
The democratization of AI hinges not just on making AI models accessible but also on ensuring the tools that enable these models are available to all users.
If open-source models can only be utilized by a few cloud providers or through closed-source tools, the true democratization of AI remains elusive.
Our mission is to advance and democratize visual AI tooling through the development of creative stable diffusion tools, collaborating with open-source model developers, and organizing community efforts to build efficient open-source tools for everyone.
The progress in the LLM space, where incredible open-source tools and models have flourished, predicts a similar future for visual AI. This emerging trend underscores the importance of open-sourcing AI and its tools.
However, democratization will not occur spontaneously; it requires collective effort and commitment from the community. If you share our vision and commitment to open-source AI, connect with us at [email protected].